SEVENTH RIDE: Candice, Chris, and WellnessXperts Community, Hong Kong | 第七場單車募款之旅:Candice、Chris 與 WellnessXperts 籌辦的香港單車募款之旅 | 第七场单车募款之旅:Candice、Chris 与 WellnessXperts 筹办的香港单车募款之旅
LO Ambassadors Chris Lo & Candice Tsuei
蓮心單車大使:Chris Lo 與 Candice Tsuei
莲心单车大使:Chris Lo 与 Candice Tsuei
LO Ambassadors Candice Tsuei and Chris Lo
蓮心單車大使:Chris Lo 與 Candice Tsuei
莲心单车大使:Chris Lo 与 Candice Tsuei
“Education is the best empowerment. We hope our ride will support the girls to achieve their educational goals and ride into a blossomed future.”
Hong Kong Ride
Riders: Chris Lo & Candice Tsuei
Dates: June 13th
Route: Shatin to Tai Mei Tuk
We are so excited that Candice Tsuei and Chris Lo are hosting the first Lotus Outreach bike ride to take place in Hong Kong on June 13th. With a small group of about 8 friends they will bike from Shatin to Tai Mei Tuk, a leisurely 20 km route on a quiet trail, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of city life. They hope to have 50+ riders join! Bike rentals will be available at the start point of the ride. Along the way the bikers will be able to see the tall Tsz Shan Monastery Guan Yin statue in addition to the beautiful greeneries.
The ride is organized by the WellnessXperts community and friends.
Monthly donations for the event can be contributed through 1000 Coffee or if you are in Hong Kong and prefer a tax deductible receipt you may contribute directly to Lotus Outreach Hong Kong through multiple channels,
我們高興告知您 Candice Tsuei 和 Chris Lo 將於 6 月 13 日 舉辦香港首次的蓮心基金會單車募款之旅 。目前已有多位朋友加入,與他們一起組成 8 人小組 。他們將騎單車由上水出發,以大埔為終點,全程約 20 公里 。旅途寧靜怡人,讓人遠離城市生活的煩囂壓力。他們熱切期待著更多人的參與,希望最終能有超過 50 位朋友加入!大會會於上水起點提供單車以供參加者租用。旅途中,除了綠油油的大自然風光外,更可以遠眺慈山寺的大型觀音像 。
此趟單車募款之旅是由 WellnessXperts 社團和一群熱心朋友籌辦。
我们高兴告知您 Candice Tsuei 和 Chris Lo 将于 6 月 13 日举办香港首次 的莲心基金会单车募款之旅。目前已有多位朋友加入,与他们一起组成 8 人小组。他们将骑单车由上水出发,以大埔为终点,全程约 20 公里。旅途宁静怡人,让人远离城市生活的烦嚣压力。他们热切期待着更多人的参与,希望最终能有超过 50 位朋友加入!大会会于上水起点提供单车以供参加者租用。旅途中,除了绿油油的大自然风光外,更可以远眺慈山寺的大型观音像。
此趟次单车募款之旅是由 WellnessXperts 社团和一群热心朋友筹办。
欢迎您透过“千杯咖啡”募款活动,每月定期定额捐款。若您为香港居民并需索取捐款收据,亦欢迎您透过各种渠道,直接捐款与莲心基金会香港分部。详情可与香港莲心基金会联络,电邮地址为 。