FIFTEENTH RIDE: Vasant Kunj to Nehru Park with White Lotus Trust and Bharatiyam organizations
Glenn Fawcett, LO Executive Director, and his daughter, Diva Fawcett (14) and family, and Mr. Srinivas Kothni and his daughter, Chikki Kothni (14) and family, and Bharatiyam organization are co-hosting a bike ride in New Delhi, India!
The Fawcett Family (LO Executive Director, Glenn Fawcett and his family, including daughter Diva (14)
“There are countless numbers of children and youth all over India without access to safe transport to schools and institutes of learning, and rural girls are the worst affected. Lotus Outreach is providing educational opportunities for more than 1000 youth in remote rural areas of Jharkhand and we are riding on this occasion to provide bicycles to as many of those girls as we are able. Our ride celebrates 30 years at LO and raises awareness to expand our Lotus community in India.”
“I am really happy we’re riding to give bikes to village girls! Many will drop out if they don’t have a bike to reach school.”
Mr. Srinivas Kothni and his family, including daughter Chikki Kothni (14)
“Clean air and education is the right of every child. Gift a bicycle to a child who may not be as lucky as you so that she grows up healthy riding to school on time to be wise in future.”
Vasant Kunj to Nehru Park
Riders: LO Executive Director Glenn Fawcett and family, Mr. Srinivas Kothni and family, and Bharatiyam organization
Dates: February 26th, 2023
Route: Vasant Kunj to Nehru Park (and back)
We are thrilled that LO Executive Director, Glenn Fawcett and his daughter, Diva Fawcett (14) and family, are co-hosting a bike ride with Mr. Srinivas and his daughter, Chikki Kothni (14), and family, Bharatiyam organization, and White Lotus Trust in New Delhi. They are celebrating 30 years at LO and WLT and raising awareness to expand the Lotus community in India. They will ride 18.4 km from Vasant Kunj to Nehru Park (and back) where they will enjoy refreshments and a brief presentation about LO and our new Jharkhand Project, and girls’ access to education via Lotus Pedals in India. All are welcome to join! RSVP here for details about the ride.
The ride is the 15th event co-hosted by our community to raise awareness of LO’s work and the 1,000 Coffee initiative. Their ride will raise funds regionally to purchase bicycles for girls living in rural Jharkhand through Lotus Pedals and our new Jharkhand Project.
If you are in India and would like to donate directly to White Lotus Trust, which is 80G and 12A approved in India (for tax deduction), write to
Bharatiyam is co-hosting the Delhi bike ride!