SIXTEENTH RIDE: UWCA Ride, United World College, Atlantic Campus
Sov, Tenzin, Rene, Natasha, Amira, Katie, Sofia, April, Coco, Caterina
Riders: April, Sov, Tenzin, Rene, Natasha, Amira, Katie, Sofia, Coco, and Caterina
Dates: June 9th and 10th
Route: Taff Trail, Cardiff to Brecon (and back)
A group of eight first year students and two teachers from Atlantic Campus, United World College (UWCA) in the UK are leading a bike ride, June 9th-10th, to stand together with Lotus Outreach beneficiaries and promote living together in peace.
Students riders, April, Tenzin, Rene, Natasha, Amira, Sofia, Coco, and Caterina are riding with two teachers, Katie and Sov. Katie is their outdoor instructor while Sov teaches chemistry and environmental science. We’re delighted by their inspiration and passion to make the world a better place for all.
The group is riding the Taff Trail, which runs for 55 miles between Cardiff and Brecon, camp one night, and return for another 55 miles, along a mixture of riverside paths, railway paths, and forest roads. This is part of Lotus Outreach’s 1,000 Coffee community event, through which people around the world host bike rides to promote giving up coffees monthly for girls’ empowerment. This ride for peace is a part of LO’s 2023 Living Together in Peace campaign.